DMV Anestasia Golf Club

​DMV AnestasiA Golf Club
"Who Got the Box?"
Golf Club Rules and Regulations
These Rules and Regulations are intended to be a brief guide for members of the DMV AnestasiA Golf Club, hence forth called The Golf Club. They are not intended to deal with all conceivable issues that may be presented for governance. These Rules and Regulations are established by the Golf Club to promote good will and enjoyment of the members and guests. The Golf Club is committed to providing all members and their guests with an enjoyable golf club experience. To uphold these standards, members and guests are expected to act in a manner consistent with good taste. The Golf Club may amend these Rules and Regulations from time to time as it determines appropriate in its sole discretion.
1. Members' dues will be on an annual basis (January through December) unless otherwise determined by the Club. Membership Dues shall be paid no later than March 1st.
2. A member is entitled to all privileges afforded the club so long as his or her membership is in good standing.
3. Club accounts shall be deemed delinquent if dues are not received prior to March 1st of each year.
4. If a member fails to pay any club dues prior to March 1st, the member will be assessed $5.00 per week until dues are current. The Golf Club shall have the right to suspend membership privileges at any time until the delinquent account is paid in full. Continued delinquency for a period of 30 days after March 1st or repeated incidents of delinquency by a member may result in termination of membership in the Golf Club.
1. Each member shall be responsible for filing with the Treasurer, in writing, preferably on a form provided by the Golf Club, his or her mailing address, email address, and contact numbers.
2. The Club must be notified of any change of address.
Complaints or suggestions concerning the operation of the Golf Club should be in writing, signed by the member and addressed to the Board of Directors.
1. The Club may provide a variety of social, cultural and recreational events in which all members are encouraged to participate.
2. Members are required to make reservations for the tournament they have been identified to sponsor. In the event, that you are not available to play the tournament due to conflicts in schedule; the member has (2) two options: (1) Make tee times for the tournament so that club members can continue to participate in it or (2) Coordinate to have the tournament rescheduled with another member. If the member fails to do one of these (2) courses of action, the member will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled tournament and will forfeit (10) AnestasiA Cup points.
3. The individual sponsoring the function shall assume full responsibility for the tournament.
4. Special events and functions may be scheduled from time to time at the discretion of the Golf Club.
A member may resign membership in the Club by delivering written notice of resignation to the Board of Directors. A membership shall be deemed to have been resigned as of the date the Golf Club receives notice of the member's resignation.
Notwithstanding any resignation, the member shall remain liable for any amounts unpaid on the member's club account.
1. Members are responsible for their own conduct and for the conduct on and off the golf course. Any member whose conduct shall be deemed by the Golf Club be likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of the Golf Club or its members or is otherwise improper, may be reprimanded, fined, suspended or expelled from the Golf Club and have all privileges associated with the membership suspended or terminated by the Golf Club. The Golf Club shall be the sole judge of what constitutes improper conduct, but improper conduct will include, without limitation: (i) failing to meet eligibility for membership, (ii) allowing his/her membership card to be used by another person, (iii) failing to pay any amount owed to the Golf Club in a proper and timely manner, (v) failing to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth herein and as established by the Club from time to time, (vi) abusing Golf course employees, or club members (vii) acting in a manner incompatible with the standard of conduct of the existing membership or which would likely injure the reputation of the members or the Club.
2. Any member accused of improper conduct shall be notified of the Club's proposed disciplinary action and shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the Golf Club to show cause why he or she should not be disciplined. If such member desires to be heard, the Golf Club shall set a time and date (not less than ten days thereafter) for a hearing. While such complaint is being considered by the Club, the member shall enjoy the privileges of the Club. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club may, without notice and without a hearing, immediately suspend some or all privileges associated with a membership and/or, after notice, terminate a member for failure to pay in a proper and timely manner dues, fees or any other amounts owed to the Club.
3. If the Club determines that a member's conduct or the conduct of his or her guest is improper, the Club may terminate the membership, suspend or restrict the member's membership privileges. No member is entitled, on account of any restriction or suspension, to any refund of any membership deposit, dues or any other fees. During the restriction or suspension, dues and other charges shall continue to accrue and shall be paid in full prior to reinstatement as a member in good standing.
1. Proper golf attire is required for all players. Men should wear collared shirts and slacks or knee length shorts. Women should wear blouses or golf shirts, knee length shorts or slacks.
2. Shoes with "soft spikes" or spikeless shoes must be worn by all golfers.
3. If Golf Club attire is made available for purchase; all members are encouraged to buy the golf club attire and showcase the golf club attire at Majors, the AnestasiA Cup Championship, and at specified social events.
1. Guests may be sponsored by the members to participate in golf outings. A fee of $5 will be due by the member for all guests.
2. Accompanied and unaccompanied guests of members will be able to participate in all tournaments except the Golf Majors, the Presidents Cup, the Ryders Cup, and the AnestasiA Cup Championship events.
3. Guest will not be allowed to participate in weekly skins and greenie competition.
4. The Club may limit unaccompanied guests from time to time. Accompanied and unaccompanied guest privileges will be limited to a (4) rounds per season each year.
1. The Rules of Golf as adopted by the USGA together with the Rules of Etiquette as adopted by the USGA shall be the rules of the Club, except when in conflict with local rules or with any of the rules herein.
2. Speed of play: It is the goal of all players to complete their round in less than four hours. This amount of time is more than adequate, provided all players remain aware of the rights of others to play without delay. It is the responsibility of each group to keep pace with the group ahead. It is each group's responsibility to be observant of its position on the course and keep pace.
3. Enter and leave bunkers at the nearest level point to the green and smooth sand over with a rake upon leaving.
4. Repair all ball marks on the green.
5. Repair all divots.
6. As an adjustment to the USGA rule 27-1: Three (3) minute clock for members to look for their ball and to hit their next shot. The clock starts as soon you are in the area of where your ball landed. Cart mates will be responsible for starting the three (3) minute clock. If the clock expires, there will be a one stroke penalty per infraction.
7. Others are not allowed to search for another’s ball unless you have already put your ball in play and then and only then can you assist.
8. Ready Play: For all tournaments other than Majors, AnestasiA Cup Championship, players that are ready to play will play regardless if by rule you should go or not.
9. Each player must have his or her own set of golf clubs.
10. Proper golf attire is required for all players, as previously described.
11. Course Rules: No beverages or beverage coolers are permitted on the course. However, this rule is made to be broken.
12. Out of Bounds (white stakes or no stakes). All players must take at least one provisional shot from the tee box if the first ball is in question as to whether it is in bounds or not. If the second ball is also in question, a player must look for ball one and ball two and if both balls are Out of Bounds; then the player must take a two shot penalty and drop 4 and 5, and hit 6 from the line of sight to the ball being Out of Bounds.
13. Hazard (red stake or yellow stake). If a ball is hit into a lateral hazard or water hazard, then player must take a one stroke penalty and drop laterally to where the ball has come to rest if it is unplayable.
14. There will be no practice shots, chipping, putting while playing in a tournament. If a player practices prior to scoring for that hole, the player will incur a one stroke penalty.
15. Fun. It is the responsibility of each player to have fun. Violation of this rule can result in heart failure and should be monitored by a trained professional.
16. 2023 Rule Addition: Players, when on a root or rocks, may request relief no closer to the hole. Approval must be sought by at least one member of the group in which you're playing.
Golfers should do their part to make a round of golf a pleasant experience for everyone. Here are some suggestions:
1. Do not waste time. Anticipate the club or clubs you may need, and go directly to your ball. Always be near your ball to play promptly when it is your turn. If a player is delayed in making his shot, it would be courteous for such player to indicate to another player to play which should not be deemed playing out of turn.
2. The time required to "hole out" on and around the green is a chief cause of slow play. Study and clear the line of your putt while others are doing the same. Be ready to putt when it is your turn.
3. Be sociable, but reserve your extended conversations for the 19th hole.
4. When approaching a green, park your golf cart on the cart path on the best direct line to the next tee, in order to save significant time. Never leave the golf cart in front of the green where you will have to go back and get it while the following players wait for you to move on.
5. When play of a hole is completed, leave the green promptly and proceed to the next tee without delay. Record the scoring for the completed hole while the others in your group are playing from the next tee.
6. If you are not holding your place on the course (see General Golf Rules), allow the players behind to play through.
7. Clarification(s) of a rule during play: Put an asterisk next to the hole in question on the scorecard. Rule will be discussed at the 19th hole (2020).
1. There will be points given for ALL DMVAGC sanctioned seasonal events (April 1st - October 31st*; *season end can change based on schedule). Qualifications for a points event: A minimum of 4 paid members need to be at the course for the calculation of the points (2023 season rule change)
2. All players must reserve tee times no less than one week prior to their sponsored tournament.
3. Starting times must be posted on the website (EZGolf/GroupMe).
4. Players who fail to notify the member that are unable to play 48 hours prior to their scheduled starting time may be charged a fee for the unused round and will be charged a $1.00 fee for not notifying the member and Golf Club that you are unable to play.
5. For those events that are not sponsored/hosted by a member; we kindly ask that tee times be made by all members on a rotational basis or by drawing tees.
6. Reminder: The Club has voted to play from the White Tees (2020). (Tee selection can be changed if 80% of the club decides to change tee location; see ByLaws Article IV, section 5).
Unaccompanied guests may play; however, the sponsored member must notify the tee time scheduler NLT the Wednesday prior to the scheduled event.
All members will have priority over guests as long members notify the scheduler by Wednesday prior to the event.
1. Handicaps are computed using The USGA Handicap System.
2. All members with approved handicap may participate in Major Club tournaments. All handicaps submitted may be reviewed by the Board of Directors for accuracy.
3. Accurate records are to be kept of scores turned in and recorded for all full rounds played.
4. A minimum of (5) five rounds must be inputted to establish an accurate handicap. If (5) rounds of scores are not recorded, the member will not be allowed to win the Major Championships.
6. The Club also reserves the right to deny any member entry in tournament play for handicap manipulation.
7. No maximum limit on strokes (2020).
Points provided for regular season events.
1st Place: 500
2d Place: 300
3d Place: 190
4th Place: 135
5th Place: 110
6th Place: 100
7th Place: 90
8th Place: 85
9th Place: 80
10th Place: 75
Each place thereafter will be deducted 5 points per place.
Points provided for Major championship events.
1st Place: 600
2d Place: 350
3d Place: 230
4th Place: 170
5th Place: 140
6th Place: 130
7th Place: 120
8th Place: 115
9th Place: 110
10th Place: 105
Each place thereafter will deducted 5 points per place.
Points provided for AnestasiA Cup events.
1st Place: 550
2d Place: 315
3d Place: 200
4th Place: 140
5th Place: 115
6th Place: 105
7th Place: 95
8th Place: 90
9th Place: 85
10th Place: 80
Each place thereafter will be deducted 5 points per place.